An Overview of Generator/Network Interface Protection Schemes: G10 and G59

Generator/network interface protection schemes play a vital role in maintaining the stability and security of power systems. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of G10 and G59 protection schemes and discuss the services Conlon Power Services offers in this area.


  1. G10 and G59 Protection Schemes
  • G10 and G59 are protection schemes designed to ensure the safe and secure operation of generator/network interfaces.
  • They protect electrical systems from potential faults, such as overcurrent, under/over voltage, and frequency deviations.
  • Proper implementation of these protection schemes is essential for maintaining system stability and preventing damage to equipment.
  1. Commissioning of G10/G59 Protection Schemes
  • Conlon Power Services offers expert commissioning of G10/G59 protection schemes.
  • Our team ensures that these schemes are correctly installed and configured to meet the specific requirements of your electrical system.


G10 and G59 protection schemes play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and security of power systems. Conlon Power Services offers expert commissioning services for these protection schemes, ensuring your electrical system operates safely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our generator/network interface protection services.